Boats are valuable investments. They can provide exceptional recreational opportunities and give individuals the type of relaxation and break they need. As a valuable asset, you should take every step possible to protect your boat from loss. Because boats are generally out in the open, they can seem like easy targets for thieves. Your boat insurance policy generally can provide financial protection from theft, but you still have to do your part to make sure that your boat is as secure as possible.

Steps to Security
How can you protect your boat from theft? There are various methods available and you do need to choose a method that fits your individual needs. However, these tips can provide significant protection.
- Don’t make it an easy target. Did you know that most boats are stolen by thieves while they are on a trailer? If your boat is stored out of the water, get it off the trailer and be sure it is away from the road. Don’t leave the hitch of your boat facing the street either. This is simply a call to would-be thieves.
- Purchase high quality locks. No matter where your boat is located, you should protect it with the right types of locks. Use locks on outboards, props and outdrives. Choose to purchase the best locks possible. Hardened steel locks are a good option if they are high in quality.
- Remove valuable equipment to store out of sight. If you are storing your boat outside, remove valuable equipment—such as the motor—and keep it in the garage. Removing it may not be easy to do, but it can give you the protection you need from would-be thieves.
- While your boat is in the water, take every step possible to keep it safe. That includes doing your homework about the marina or docking area you choose. Always ensure it has numerous measures in place to reduce your risks.
Of course there are tools like GPS locators and high end security systems that can also help. If you have these on board, let your insurance provider know about them. They could help reduce your boat insurance premiums, depending on what you install to keep your boat safe.
How safe is your boat? Call RCU Insurance Services for more information on boat insurance.
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